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What is a Kingdom Mindset Lifestyle?

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Step into your Kingdom Assignment 

Stressed Woman




Having a Kingdom Mindset means we as individuals seek the truth, as Jesus taught throughout the gospels.

Our mind is such a powerful part of how we operate as people,

and our thoughts tremendously affect the direction of our life.


 "Life and death is in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21) and our thoughts can literally hold us captive.

Even after we become Christians, we must continually set our minds on the Kingdom, as the enemy fights hard to keep us in bondage and take us back to the darkness.


  When you choose to see from a Kingdom perspective and live from a renewed mind, healing in every area of life happens.

A Kingdom Mindset frees you to walk in the light of Jesus Christ and fulfill your God given destiny.

No longer will you allow the lies of the enemy to control you.

No longer will you stay stuck in fear.

You will begin to see yourself as God see you...

as He created you.

You will discover your gifts and talents He has bestowed on you...

and use them for GOOD.

To help and encourage others 

Not only through your gifts, but through your story.

God gave you a testimony to share with others...

SOMEONE out there needs to hear it!!

Let's work together to achieve your Kingdom Mindset


Into the calling God has for your life!


A Kingdom Mindset Lifestyle means living life while applying all of the Kingdom Principles Our Creator has laid out for us in His Word



  • True Partnership with God

  • Marriage/Relationships

  • Parenting

  • Home

  • Business

  • Kingdom Finances

  • Leadership

  • Health & Wellness

  • and so much more!


Living out the example that Jesus came to teach us... 

Trying On New Dress

Let's Change Your Life... 
For Good


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