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I can do all things, through
Christ who strengthens me.
~Philippians 4:13


WelcomeDaughters of the Most High King!

Are you feeling stuck?

At a crossroads in your emotional life or career?

Even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times.

As a certified Kingdom Mindset Coaching Professional,

I can help you identify, understand, and overcome whatever life has thrown at you, moving you forward into action.

I believe that we have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive.

Let me share with you some of the reasons I became a certified Life Coach, specializing in 

Kingdom Mindset.

Here's a little About My Journey !


As a survivor of both childhood trauma and narcissistic relationships, as well as many other challenges life throws at us, I realized early on that I needed God to survive.

Even though I definitely wasn't always living the way I should,

I never stopped believing in the importance of my 

Heavenly Father in my life, in some capacity.

I later came to realize that MY choices and MY mindset

was my own worst adversary...


I was allowing the LIES of the enemy to control me....

 What I needed most was not just God in my life, but a 


Without the proper tools, I was allowing the enemy to dictate my life, through anger, unforgiveness, and the need to be validated.

I felt I needed to get that validation from other human beings, and that was the only way I would be worthy of anything.

The irony of all of that was that I was always the encourager and could see worth in others, cheering them on to their full potential, but not always my own.

Not that I wasn't successful...I was usually successful in whatever I pursued...but inside, I still felt somehow unworthy.

I had to fully immerse myself in my Creator's Word, and into a relationship with Him, to find what it was HE said about me...

How HE sees me and what He created me for!

This changed EVERYTHING!!!!

My mission is to show others how to discover the same thing...

To find direction, complete peace, and purpose...

and how to step BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY 

into their unique Kingdom Assignment...

To be the sheild maidens and the Esthers...

For such a time as this!!!

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Why Coach with Lori?

Lori is a Kingdom Mindset Lifestyle and Success Coach who helps women shift their mindset, allowing them to not only change their thinking patterns, but their outlook and direction in life.

She helps women walk boldly and courageously into their true identity and purpose.

Helping them to see themselves clearly, as God sees them...


The AMAZING women He created, and not through the clouded lenses of the LIES of the enemy.


The lies that have made them believe they are....

inferior and limited.

She helps them see the TRUTH of who God says they are, and become all that He created them to be.


By teaching life changing techniques on

mindset, forgiveness, and gratitude, while digging deep into the hard topics that bring about true healing, freedom 

and life changing transformation.

She also teaches you how to live Kingdom Lifestyle, by using Biblical Principles laid out for us by

Our Creator

in all aspects of life, including:

  • True Partnership with God

  • ​Marriage/Relationships

  • Parenting

  • Kingdom Finances

  • Home 

  • Business

  • Leadership

  • Health & Wellness

  • and much more!

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

1 Chronicles 28:20

Above the Clouds
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